D-BT11/051EN Mine As Your Country's Foundation



Mine As Your Country's Foundation - Rare (R)
D-BT11/051EN Mine As Your Country's Foundation Rare (R) 100 disponibles En stock 0,25 €
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Texte d'introduction Do you swear, to lay down all self-interest, and become sword and shield for this country?
Description Play this with [COST][discard a card from hand]!
Choose one of your units being attacked, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of that battle. Choose up to four [Heal] from your drop, and call them to (GC).
  • Grade : 2
  • Nation : Keter Sanctuary
  • Card type : Blitz Order
  • Regulation : Standard
  • Illustrator : 天城望
  • # Print : 1
Mine As Your Country's Foundation
Mine As Your Country's Foundation
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