DZ-BT03/043EN Protection: Twincast



Protection: Twincast - Double Rare (RR)
DZ-BT03/043EN Protection: Twincast Double Rare (RR) 9 disponibles En stock 24,99 €
Texte d'introduction We'll protect everyone! With a double stance!
Description Regalis Piece(You may only have one Regalis Piece in your deck, and use it a total of one time in a fight)

Choose one of your units being attacked, and it gets [Power] +10000 until end of that battle.

[CONT]:This card's [AUTO] ability can be resolved even if you have resolved a [Regalis Piece] ability this fight.
[AUTO](Drop):When your unit is attacked, [COST][remove this card from drop], choose one of your units being attacked, and it gets [Power] +5000 until end of that battle for each grade of that unit.
  • Grade : 2
  • Card type : Blitz Order
  • Skill : Regalis Piece
  • Regulation : Standard
  • Illustrator : 匈歌ハトリ
  • # Print : 1
Protection: Twincast
Protection: Twincast
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